Financial Assistance Information
Graduate Assistantships
A limited number of on-campus Graduate Assistant employment opportunities are available for students enrolled in a graduate degree program. Assistantships offer assignments designed to provide opportunities for supervised educational experiences at the graduate level. For more information, please visit the Graduate Assistantships link.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is available for those seeking a degree or certificate from Chadron State College. Students seeking financial aid must first complete the admissions requirements for the degree program and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify for financial aid consideration. For further information, contact the START Office, located in Crites Hall Room 114, call 308-432-6060 or email
Classification of Non-Residents for Admission and Fee Assessment
The statutes of Nebraska provide that all state educational institutions shall charge a non-resident fee for each non-resident of Nebraska who matriculates at any state institution policies and is based upon evidence provided in the Application for Admission and related documents. Additional written documents, affidavits, verification or other evidence may be required as deemed necessary to establish the status of any applicant. The burden of establishing exemption from non-resident fees is the responsibility of the student. Erroneous classifications as a resident or willful evasion of non-resident fees may result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal as well as payment of required fees for each semester attended.
A student classified as a non-resident retains this status until he/she is officially approved for reclassification as a resident by completing the Application for Residency Classification Form, which is available in the Admissions Office. A student classified as a resident but who becomes a non-resident as provided by the statutes shall promptly notify the Admissions Office of such change. Residency status may be challenged when circumstances indicate a change of legal resident. Any sanctioned change of classification from non-resident to resident will not be made retroactive beyond the period in which the change is approved.
Non-Resident Scholars Program
Non-Nebraska resident students taking campus based (face to face) courses may qualify for In State Tuition through the Non-Resident Scholars Program provided students meet the following criteria.
- Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 for all previous work attempted at all colleges attended.
- To continue to receive the non-resident scholars program, graduate students are required to maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
Students are automatically considered for this program after all official transcripts have been received. Students will receive notification if they qualify for this program. If students do not qualify for the Non-Resident Scholar Program upon entering the Graduate Program, they may petition for acceptance into the Non-Resident Program once their Chadron State College cumulative graduate GPA is documented to be a 3.5 or above.
Cost and Refund Information
The Board of Trustees for the Nebraska State Colleges has established a schedule of tuition and fees to be charged by the State Colleges. This may be obtained from the Business Office. For more information please visit the Cost of Attendance page.
Refunds on tuition for the academic year are pro-rated, based on a schedule available in the Business Office. Students who are recipients of Title IV funds will be subject to the student refund procedure requirements of the Higher Education Authorization Act of 1998. Details regarding this requirement are available at both the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office.